Last year was really powerful for Operation VICKI!!
Our namesake, Vicki Harris, had the opportunity to attend the 2017 earlier.org Research Grant Announcement reception. This was the very first time she was around this amazing group of people. While at the event, earlier.org’s photographer Robert Chou shared that he was beginning a project titled “Exposing Hope: Celebrating Survivors” in honor of his grandmother {a breast cancer survivor} and he asked Vicki if she would be a part of it. The next morning, we met Robert at his studio and he began photographing Vicki. At one point, he stopped…and shared some of the photos on his camera with her. The look on her face was shocking to me!! As she gazed down at the photos, I could see her face light up and I realized that at that moment…she remembered how genuinely beautiful she is. Breast cancer and surgery and treatment and life had temporarily taken that away from her. Immediately, I was even more committed to the cause of identifying an earlier biological detection test for breast cancer. Vicki shared her experience with other women…and now one of them will be featured in Robert’s 2018 edition of “Exposing Hope: Celebrating Survivors.”
This year Operation VICKI has set a goal to generate $3000 by July 1, 2018.
Your support funds critical research seeking an earlier biological detection test for breast cancer. Your donation, quite simply, will help change the picture of breast cancer forever.
Earlier. Sooner. Now.
Thank you for helping us get there!
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